Sunday, July 5, 2015


I was leading an expedition in Antarctica, I was leading to guys and an older women who was pregnant. For one part we had to cross water and I was frustrated because the older lady wouldn't get in because she was going to have a baby. Later I realized that I had a heart and didn't make her go in the water.
I abandoned them. Kinda, I just left without thinking.
On top of this hill there was a giant fan with a conveyor belt attached to it. This was a machine that collected all of the animal manure and chopped it up and fertilize the arctic. I went up to it because I thought it was cool and I got stuck in it.. It was gross. There was this boy with red, red, red hair that also kept getting stuck in it and he thought it was sign we needed to get married. I left.
There was something cool going on down the hill so I went down there and there was this pink fox that was in this tunnel observing all the animals going through this water tunnel. I was scared she was going to hurt me. Then finally I got up the courage to swim through, she (the fox) was actually quite nice. Then I became part of her team. We were going into a computer system along with some other animals. The only way to get into the computers the humans have was to blow ourselves up and have out atoms be attracted to the static on the computer.
So that's what we did.
We were in the computer and I got bored so I jumped out into the arctic where I met a penguin. We fell in love and decided that we should get married. But he had to get permission from his chief first. So we go to his tribe and his chief makes me swim through a long water tunnel, thinking I'll drowned. No sir I can breath underwater in my dreams, so I start swimming.

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